Thursday, January 14, 2010


I was anxious to talk with Dr. Mahajan, my oncologist, about my surgery being rescheduled to a later date.   After a long talk, I felt better.  He explained that we were still within the window for surgery, the few additional weeks should not make a difference one way or the other.  (Insert big sigh of relief here.)

Also met with Dr. Semer, she will be removing a few of my female parts that seem to be in the way for all the other stuff they have to do.  Being the good doctor that she is, she wanted to feel around and make sure everything was okay.  All the women reading this know what I am talking about.  And, she wanted to "feel" the tumor to see if it had decreased in size.  Too much feeling going on, but after a while, guess you just get used to it.

Met with Dr. Brillant, the lead surgeon today.  He had called and left me a long message yesterday about the surgery change.  His feelings were like mine.  We can't change this so we have to adjust our sails for what we have.  I told him I was over my hissy fit and now that Dr. Mahajan said the extra time shouldn't impact the growth, I was okay.  Of course, I have the option of going to another hospital for the surgery, but by the time I go through all the preliminary stuff, we would be right back where we are.  So, I decided to stay the course.  Dr. Sharts is a very good surgeon, just happens to be the only one capable of this surgery in the area.

Being the good doctor that he is, Dr. Brillant, after talking to Dr. Semer about the tumor, thought it would be good to "feel" things too.  As I said, too much feeling going on, especially when you are the "feelee"!

We now have a PET scan at the hospital scheduled.  It will check for additional cancer growth and if I don't light up like a Christmas tree, then I will have an MRI about 2 weeks prior to surgery.  If there are any additional cancer growths noted in the PET scan, then the surgery is off.  No need to go through all of that if I can't possibly be cured.  Lot of ifs here, but that's just the way it is.  And when you can't move those rocks, you just have to pull your wagon around them the best you can.

So that's what I am doing.  And you know what, I listened to Sam Cooke's greatest hits this afternoon on my iPod and he sure made pulling my wagon a little sweeter!



annie456 said...

Well, now we know and we can go forward. Let us know when the PET Scan will be. I know you will be SQUEAKY clean!!Hang in there and just hold on to that Knot in the rope. Hope you have good day with a little less "Feeling Around" going on!!!

fussell said...

Friend Girl! Don't know what to say - they all sound like cliches. BUT, I do know that God has a plan for your life - to prosper you and not to harm you! SO, when the wagon starts feeling hard to pull - give God the handle. Meanwhile, do I need to come and kick some Dr. behind???? Love you! JoEllen