Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm Back.....

Sorry to have bailed out on you for awhile.  Guess I just hit a wall with all that happened.  And when my pup Holden, was mauled and killed by a pit bull, guess it pushed my system into overload.

Just couldn't seem to get things going in the right direction.  After John's sudden death, I had to deal with his estate, then I had problems with my chemo port and after 4 months of horrid pain, I finally got the leaking port taken out and a new one put in.  At a cost of about $3000+ to me....not to mention pain and suffering.  Then there was that nasty tornado in April that nearly took my home and posted almost $50K in damages.  And my trees, it took my beautiful trees. Fast forward to hurricane season and hello Hurricane Irene.  More damage from water blown in crevices I didn't even know existed.  And what trees weren't damaged from the tornado, were pushed around by the hours of pounding rain and wind from Irene.  My chemo treatments continued to wreak havoc on my body, but I was managing.

Then Holden was killed.  It was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Can't believe he wasn't bald cause he sure shed a lot of hair.

He was one lucky dog, and we were lucky to have him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! Knew you would be. Think of you often (and usually the thoughts aren't too bad;ha) Hang in there. Susan Hardison