Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reiki Treatment

It is very hard to explain how I felt during and after my first Reiki treatment.  But it was good.  Am I skeptical about this, yes, but I have always had a  healthy portion of that about a lot of things in life.  I don't think any of us go through life and just accept things because someone 'said so'.  We have to feel it.  Religion, love, so many things can't be easily explained, but we know they are there and have an effect on our life.

When I first heard about the Reiki experience from someone I trusted, I viewed it as...yeah right!  Surely, all they were saying couldn't be true.  But, what was it going to hurt?  It is not invasive and the only thing it could do would be lighten my purse. 

The next day, I had an appointment for help with neuropathy pain in my feet in hands.  While waiting, in walks the Reiki master.  I took that as a sign from above, so I made an appointment to see her later in the week.

As I said, it is hard to explain.  If you read my previous post about Reiki, you will just have to try it yourself.  But for me, it has been a very positive experience and has helped me reduce my need for certain meds I am taking.  And believe me, any time I can take one of those off my plate, it is a good day.

My Reiki master says I have "strong energy" and that is good.  She also told me I had four angels around me that were sending waves of love to me.  "They are like wisps of clouds surrounding you", she said, "and it is very unusual to see four, most people have two or three, four is very unique".  But I'll take it. Think I need four.  Need all the angels and love I can get.  Don't we all?  Like I said, been a different journey but I feel better.  And that's a very good thing.

Reiki angels in my wagon.



Carolyn said...

I am so glad to see that you are back to your blog. I can't imagine all that you have had to deal with in the last few years. You have amazing strength.
The Reiki sounds like a wonderful thing for you.
Johnny and I think of you often and hope the best for you always.

linda said...

Glad you are writing again.