Tuesday, December 7, 2010


My hair has stopped coming out.  Of course that is a relief.  With all that has been going on in my life, dealing with a bald head was not something I was looking forward to, especially with the cold weather and wind.

I had been saving it so I could monitor how much I had lost.  It filled up the bag.

Funny thing, it started at the same time John started to lose his hair.   I mentioned it to my doctor and the chemotherapy nurses.  The doctor told me it should have already happened if it was going to fall out.  By that, he meant it should have occurred during the second treatment. I was in my 7th treatment when it started.

In researching the medications I take, generally, 30% will be bald, 30% will have heavy thinning of hair, and 30% will not have anything.  But it shouldn't be happening now.  When I talked with the chemo nurses, who see the 'down and dirty' of what happens in chemo treatment, they said it was, "surrogate" loss.  What?

"It most likely is sympathy loss for John," she said, "If it was going to happen from the chemo treatment, you would have lost it months ago.  We do see it sometimes with husbands and wives when their partners are going through a tough time.  It is sort of like a husband having morning sickness when his wife is pregnant."

John and I found it amusing.  We would both stand in front of the mirror and compare hair loss.  He was starting to look like Linus, and I teased him about it.  When he slept at night or napped on the sofa, it looked like a cat had curled up there with all the hair that came out.  I finally talked him into a haircut so he didn't look like a Linus Chia Pet anymore.  After the haircut, he looked like Charlie Brown.  But that was okay.  I love Charlie Brown.


1 comment:

Stephanie Hale said...

I'm glad that you didn't lose all your beautiful hair Pat! Now I'm trying to think of something handy you could do with all of that. My grandmother used to make pincusions...but you've probably seen more than enough needles to last a lifetime!