Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Friend Was Here

Kay, me, Lauren, and Claire
Summer 2007

My party in a box friend, Kay, came on Tuesday.  It's always like a whirlwind when she comes in and we just never seem to have time to do all the things we set out to do.  Guess that is what makes our friendship so wonderful.  She always leaves with me begging her to please stay just a wee bit longer!

With her she brings gifts.  Sometimes big, sometimes small, but she always brings something to make me feel special.  A new bottle of lotion, wonderful bars of soap, little things that let me know she cares about me and it works.  Whenever I use the soap, lotion, or whatever she brings, I think of her and it makes me smile.  She is the true meaning of the old saying, "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver the other gold."

But mostly, we talk.  I can talk to Kay about anything in the world.  Don't I wish everyone had a friend like her.  She never judges anything I do.  Though sometimes she does laugh at me, but sometimes I need that too.  She seems to know when I am hurting inside, even though I do my best to have a smile on my face.  Guess she has known me too long.  We did get on the school bus together for our very first day of school, and through thick and thin, we have remained close friends.  We spend a week at the beach together each summer.  I was in her wedding, she was in mine.  I helped her when her first son was born and she has helped me with mine.  My girls even call her Aunt Kay.  We are family, our lives have been intertwined for so long, we have become like Siamese twins, one couldn't live without the other, too much would be lost.

When she came this time, there was no wine shared, she had given it up for Lent.  That worked out really good for me, cause I had given it up for chemo.  Amazing how different experiences yield the same results.

But now she is gone and the house is silent.  She leaves a big hole when she drives away.

I love you Kay.



linda said...

Old friends are special.

annie456 said...

There is nothing like a visit from a dear friend!! So glad you had a great time with Kay! She is a treasure!


And so are you. What would I do without my special friends that bless me each and every day!

Unknown said...

Hi Douche:

Hope this day finds you feeling well. I just read your blog good to see that you and Kay(Hawk) had such a wonderful time at the beach. She is truly a great friend. I could just see the two of you sitting up late talking and laughing and just sharing some special moments on that old porch that you wrote about. We are all there with you in spirit. You are right old friends are not to be forgotten. Sorry!! about the names but I just felt like saying them for old time sake and to make you laugh. Now the cat is out of the bag and you will have to explain this one to everyone.

Love, your friend Shit-pot.

lauren said...

Haha, douche! I love it. Keep the old stories coming, Sheila S-P!