Monday, July 12, 2010

Leaving the Beach

So much happened while we were at the beach.  Too many wonderful stories, and I am sorry to say, not all of them were written down so I could remember them and smile later.  Thankfully, some stories are not easily forgotten and bring an mental chuckle anytime I am reminded.  I'll try to write some of those for you later....they are just too good not to share.

Leaving the beach is always hard.  Having two weeks of intensive living with good friends and friends of friends and family of friends.... a constant turnstile of personalities on parade is so fine.  That's one of the best things about being there, everywhere you look, people are having fun.

We have always said there are no rules, but in reality, there are lots of rules.  Most new people don't realize they have broken "the rules" until, well, someone lets them know.  For instance, every morning the coolers are packed with ice and drinks for the day.  Certain coolers hold certain beer and a certain place in the cooler line up on the porch, and putting another brand of "skunky" beer in that cooler can cause a ruckus.  Plus, the beer must be organized a certain way, hot on the bottom, cold ones put back on top, all standing straight.  Coolers are designated as beach coolers, water/soft drink coolers, beer cooler, wine cooler, etc.  You get the point.  And they are all packed and lined up on the porch first thing in the morning, ready for the day.  Even the little ones know which cooler has fruit drinks and water and which cooler they can open and play in the ice.  So, big rule to learn, don't screw up the coolers and if you are gonna drink or get ice, make sure you are properly trained in the cottage cooler etiquette.

When we got up Thursday morning to pack, John and I started gathering all of our stuff.  Beach chair, towels, power cords, sunglasses, it is amazing how important items can be misplaced or moved when it's time for dinner or a game of dominoes.

Most of the others weren't leaving till Saturday, but our schedule this year was different.  I had my chemo pump on and it had to be removed around lunchtime that day, plus, John had an appointment too.  I knew leaving my friends would be difficult, it always is.  They had all been so kind to me during the past two weeks, not allowing me to cook, cleaning up after me and just making sure I was comfortable.  Like most of you would be, it is hard to accept help when you are usually the one that helps others, so I sometimes forget that I really do need to look after myself.  My body is struggling with the effects of the chemotherapy drugs and I must remember that.  Those same drugs that are hopefully tackling the cancer growth, are impeding the growth of good cells too.  It is like walking a tightrope, how well can you maneuver the obstacles before you lose your footing and fall?

After gathering all our things, my entourage carried all the bags down to the Tahoe for John's meticulous packing.  Then it was time to say goodbye.  I didn't want to leave.  Leaving meant an end.

Every year in the past when we left, I prayed that our dear cottage would be spared during hurricane season.  This year was different, I didn't know whether I would be spared.  Could I survive the storms on my horizon? Would I even be able to come back next year?  So, when I hugged everyone goodbye, the tears spilled out.  What a great time I had, wonderful fellowship and friends, great food, perfect weather, and more love than I could drink in.  And I was leaving it.  As the hugs grew longer, I looked at all the eyes with tears, tears for me and John.  They see the storms too.

So my dear beach friends, I say thank you.  You did all you could do to make my time by the shore absolutely grand!



Anonymous said...

There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief. . . and unspeakable love.
- Washington Irving

Anonymous said...
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annie456 said...

WHat a GREAT friendship you nad John have with so many!! Press on- Love you!!

Anonymous said...

Pat what is your daughter blog site. I would love to see the pictures of paris. Dinner was great last nite, thanks for going. If you need anything, please let us know. love ya mean it


Here's the website Amy. John and I had fun too. Thanks so much for thinking of us and let's do it again soon.

Anonymous said...

The beach WAS wonderful this year as it always is! I feel a mini-reunion on the way! Can't wait! JoEllen