Friday, June 4, 2010

Results from the Scan

Did not get the good news I was hoping for on Wednesday from my scans and blood work.  My white blood cell count was down and they couldn't give me a chemo treatment after it has gone below a certain level.  But it didn't really make a difference, because I would not have gotten treated anyway.   The nasty little tumor has increased in size.  Not much, but enough to indicate the chemo drugs I am now taking are not working on this growth as it should have gotten smaller.

So we go to plan B.  I will wait a bit to allow my blood numbers to come back up, then we will start a new regime.

Of course, this is not what I wanted to hear, but was prepared for it and doing okay considering everything.

Big concern now will be, will this work?  Of course, I am also concerned about side effects.  Sometimes they can be worse than the cancer. 

With all this news, it is no wonder that my blood pressure was the highest it has ever been.  That frightened me even more!  Only good news, I didn't lose any more weight.  Who would have ever thought I would be happy about that?



annie456 said...

Russel Crowe once said," For those who are on the downside of advantage and relying solely on courage, there is HOPE!! You are the most courageous person I know!! All will be well. The great Doctors you have WILL find the right Chemo to work for YOU!!! Chin up as you always do!!! Love you!

Willamina said...

By looking at your picture with the girls at the beach, no one would ever know you were sick.
So sorry about the bad news and pray that plan B will knock the cancer out!

Stephanie Hale said...

We love you Patsy. <3

Kimmie said...

I have a lot going on, but I am thinking of you Pat...more than you will ever know. You must be "putting on your happy face" about now. My arms are stretched out wide and I am giving you a BIG AZZ hug!!!!!!!! Kimmie