Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Glowing in the Dark
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fire Ants and Doctors

Monday was a big, big day. I know you can empathize with me when I say my weekend was stressful anticipating what would be discussed...come Monday.
Friday, September 25, 2009
MRIs - St Louis Arch - Claustrophobia

Party on the Porch #2
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Questions on Pain
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Words Have Power
I have gotten so many wonderful responses from all of you about my blog and updates. It is amazing how uplifting and comforting your words can be!
Thought you might enjoy the first one I read this morning from a dear friend. Started my day with a smile and hope it will do the same for you.
Keep them coming!
(this is an excerpt from her email)
I got a quote that you have already heard I am sure, but when I saw it... I thought of you:
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says,
"Oh Crap, she’s up!!!”
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dr. Sharts, My Knight in Shining Armor????

I put on my lucky horseshoe cufflinks today....What a refreshing day! Met with Dr. Michael Sharts, the neurosurgeon recommended by Dr. Brillant. Young and handsome, he entered dressed in a fine looking suit, a pair of GQ style glasses and looking confident.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wagon Load Got Bigger

Met with Dr. Patrick Brillant Friday. What a character! Tall and handsome and still wearing those cowboy boots. He is the surgeon that performed my colon surgery 5 years ago...exactly. He came in with his entourage (two interns) and we had a tough conversation. "This mass shouldn’t be here, just shouldn’t be here," he said. "The growth we took out 5 yrs ago was barely able to be called a cancer. But all of that doesn’t negate the fact that it is here and we have to deal with it."
Dr. Brillant said the only good thing here is that we only have the one nasty mass, it is not in any other part of my body, hasn't invaded my liver or lymph nodes. If it were showing up in other places, then our only option would be to immediately begin chemo and radiation. With it being in one place, we do have another option...we can operate. Chemo and radiation may play a part in the process also, to possibly get any immature rogue cells that may be floating around in the blood stream. He didn’t want us to look back years later and second guess ourselves.
I have tried to prepare myself for this all along, but it is still hard to hear these things. But John and I are strong and we have so many good things in our favor. We will make it through all of this. Just have a bigger load in the wagon.
On a very good note; my pain has been more manageable recently. Prayers, love, meds...whatever, it is helping...and that is a good thing. Last night, I had the first (almost) full night's sleep in my bed, since July.
Life goes on. Got my fall scene started today. John and I went and "borrowed" some corn stalks from a neighbor. Pulled out all the old gourds we grew last year. Got a few bales of hay and put my "great pumpkin" on top. Looks grand!
Had a wonderful plate of BBQ for lunch with SWEET tea and divine hush puppies. John had Juan wash the Tahoe and farm truck while I listened to the ECU-UNC game. Got a steak out for dinner that will be cooked by an award winning chef... and heading out to pick a few vine ripe tomatoes for the salad.
Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Making Sauce and Enjoying a Friend

My friend, Linda Lucy, came to visit on Tuesday. I was certainly hoping she would spend the night but other commitments kept her on a short visit. Maybe next time. She arrived that morning and we caught up on all the happenings of her family since our last talk. John came in around lunch time and he had stopped and picked up fresh chicken salad from The Little Rocket in Farmville. They have the best chicken salad and with the fresh tomatoes from our garden and a new loaf of bread....lunch was divine!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Next Pull on the Wagon
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Update - Trouble in Paradise

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Trouble in Paradise
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Past Few Days

Past few days have been a lot of fun. My childhood friend and now adult partner in crime, Kay, came to visit. She initially was only going to spend Monday night and be on her way. Today is Thursday and I tearfully hugged her goodbye this afternoon.
I was tired and couldn't go, but John took Kay out to visit a sweet potato farm and processing center, hitch a ride with someone and they ran out of gas, she got asked by the potato workers if she was John's daughter--ha ha ha- what fun she had with that one!!, she had her first meal at Strickland Dail's (said she ate more than John did and is still talking about the biscuits and country style steak), she went out for a walk and got chased up a tree stump by 5 barking dogs, enjoyed an impromptu dinner (when friends brought it over for the sick and shut in) and "party on the porch" with John, Joan, Paula, Harold, and me...we got a pedicure, picked out 2 lbs of crab meat, and made all sorts of grand plans for the future! Wow....what fun. My friend Kay has been described as being like a "party in a box"....and I guess that is a great description of her.
Another Obit but not so sad!
Ruth E. Rencevicz, born Ruth Elizabeth Sechrist on August 28, 1927, passed away on September 7, 2008 due to complications resulting from her children making her old before her time.
(Ruth had a playful and irreverent outlook towards life, an attitude that she was fortunate enough to retain right up until the time of her death. This obituary is being written with that philosophy in mind. If you find this particular viewpoint offensive, then read no further. Instead, please take comfort in knowing that Ruth fought her leukemia courageously right up until the very end, and that she died peacefully in her sleep.)
Ruth passed away amongst the rich and famous in Greenwich, Conn. She is survived by brother, Clyde; sons, Wade, Bernard, Phil and Jon; daughters, Lisa and Sonya; grandchildren, Trevor, Grace, Casey and Sammy; an illegitimate child conceived when the circus was in town named Greg "The Donkey" King; her favorite dog, Lucy; and her favorite cat, Derrick.
Over the years, in addition to her regular jobs as a full-time mom and a switchboard operator at both Sears and BFG Federal Credit Union, Ruth also served her country as a covert spy for the Central Intelligence Agency, where during the Cold War she was largely responsible for the breakup of the Soviet Union near the end of the 20th century. At least, that's the way she told it.
Ruth was also very active as a volunteer with youth in her community in Tallmadge, Ohio, where she was known to selflessly give of her time by standing on her balcony yelling at kids for "playing that rap music" at all hours of the day and night. She also served as a mentor to young people by throwing rocks at teenagers dressed in loose baggy pants with their underwear exposed. She winged a couple of 'em pretty good, from what we understand.
Although born in Hammondsville, Ohio, Ruth enjoyed summering in Greenwich, Conn., where she loved drinking Fresca with Absolut Ruby Red vodka, and stalking Peter Jennings and Jack Black.
Ruth reported being abducted by aliens several times during her life, and we don't mean the good kind of aliens who come from outer space. We're talking about illegal immigrant aliens from Mexico and West Virginia. Oddly, Ruth never really complained much about these kidnappings.
Ruth was adamant that people use the occasion of her passing to remember and celebrate her life. In lieu of formal funeral proceedings or viewing hours, she requested that those who remember and cared about her share both a special memory and a drink in her honor. Preferably Bud Light Lime, or if that's not available, gasoline or floor wax.
Another Interesting but Sad Obit
Dolores Aguilar
1929 – Aug. 7, 2008
Dolores Aguilar, born in 1929 in New Mexico, left us on August 7, 2008. She will be met in the afterlife by her husband, Raymond, her son, Paul Jr., and daughter, Ruby.
She is survived by her daughters Marietta, Mitzi, Stella, Beatrice, Virginia and Ramona, and son Billy; grandchildren, Donnelle, Joe, Mitzie, Maria, Mario, Marty, Tynette, Tania, Leta, Alexandria, Tommy, Billy, Mathew, Raymond, Kenny, Javier, Lisa, Ashlie and Michael; great-grandchildren, Brendan, Joseph, Karissa, Jacob, Delaney, Shawn, Cienna, Bailey, Christian, Andre Jr., Andrea, Keith, Saeed, Nujaymah, Salma, Merissa, Emily, Jayci, Isabella, Samantha and Emily. I apologize if I missed anyone.
Dolores had no hobbies, made no contribution to society and rarely shared a kind word or deed in her life. I speak for the majority of her family when I say her presence will not be missed by many, very few tears will be shed and there will be no lamenting over her passing.
Her family will remember Dolores and amongst ourselves we will remember her in our own way, which were mostly sad and troubling times throughout the years. We may have some fond memories of her and perhaps we will think of those times too. But I truly believe at the end of the day ALL of us will really only miss what we never had, a good and kind mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I hope she is finally at peace with herself. As for the rest of us left behind, I hope this is the beginning of a time of healing and learning to be a family again.