I put on my lucky horseshoe cufflinks today....What a refreshing day! Met with Dr. Michael Sharts, the neurosurgeon recommended by Dr. Brillant. Young and handsome, he entered dressed in a fine looking suit, a pair of GQ style glasses and looking confident.
After our initial introductions, I asked him about his connection with Pittsburgh as mentioned to us by Dr. Brillant last Friday. He said he spent 7 1/2 years there in residency with Univ. of Pittsburgh Med School, and lived near Squirrel Hill. He asked about our connection with Pittsburgh and I told him our daughter, Lauren, went to graduate school at Carnegie Mellon and we really enjoyed the city.
But down to business; Dr. Sharts said my growth was very, very rare. He had only seen a few during his entire career. Cancerous growths don't usually land there. They go to the liver or lymph nodes, not there. We talked about the risks involved. He said he could do the operation and mentioned the cyberknife at Pitt as being an option for this type of procedure. I will be getting a site specific MRI on Friday and I will hand deliver it to him. After his review, he plans to consult with his colleagues in Pittsburgh. I have another appointment with him next Monday. At that time, we will determine the plan. He was very adamant that we do what is best for me. If, after presenting the options, we decide to go somewhere else, he will be happy to help set that up.
After such a difficult meeting with Dr. Brillant last Friday, I have to say, today was a lifter. Last Friday, we didn't even know if he could do this type of operation. He said he could. Last Friday, we didn't know if he would do this type of operation. He said he would, if it was best for me. Those were good statements to me.
I had already been thinking of the time and money needed to get to another state for surgery. Being separated from my family and support group would certainly take a toll on the recovery time and I know that. So his words today were sweet. "I can do this...I can do this." Looks like maybe I can too....pour me a glass of red wine, waiter!
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