My friend, Linda Lucy, came to visit on Tuesday. I was certainly hoping she would spend the night but other commitments kept her on a short visit. Maybe next time. She arrived that morning and we caught up on all the happenings of her family since our last talk. John came in around lunch time and he had stopped and picked up fresh chicken salad from The Little Rocket in Farmville. They have the best chicken salad and with the fresh tomatoes from our garden and a new loaf of bread....lunch was divine!
After lunch, she helped me begin the making of spaghetti sauce. We cooked the hamburger and sweet Italian sausages, cut up and sauteed the red, yellow, and green peppers, garlic, mushrooms, and onions and added the wonderful tomatoes from our garden. We had already peeled, cooked and strained them so they were ready for the sauce. A few dashes of herbs and spices and it was ready to simmer. Wow it smelled so good.
While the sauce simmered, we walked around the farm. The Angus calves and their mothers were getting a drink of water and curiously followed us. Someone was at the horse barn loading a horse so we walked out to check on it. A walk around the pond and it was time for her to go.
As Linda was leaving I offered her a bowl of sauce to enjoy when she got home and she accepted graciously.
Our meal that night was wonderful and after we had cleaned the dishes the phone rang. It was Linda. She said the sauce was wonderful and even tasted better making it with a friend. I think that does make it better. Thanks Linda!
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