As many of you know I have been having medical problems since mid July. Here's the most recent information. I am also posting the emails on my blog and you can check it out there too.
Monday morning I met with Dr. Mahajan, my oncologist, the growth is malignant. The lab is still conducting tests on tissue samples taken last Friday to determine what kind of cancer. It appears to be in the bone and soft tissue surrounding the sciatica nerve in the pelvic area. Also met with Dr. Semer, OB-GYN surgeon. She suggested we take out my ovaries and uterus...any parts not needed, when the surgery is performed. Guess I won't be having any more babies!
Dr Mahajan also set me up to met with Dr Ballenger of Carolina Radiology for Wednesday morning at 7:45 to begin the process for potential radiation treatments to shrink the mass. They want to get it started ASAP and said the first visit would take most of the morning.
Meet with Dr. Brillant this coming Friday (surgeon who will handle procedure and also did my colon surgery 5 yrs ago) and again with Dr. Mahajan. Hopefully, they will have the complete test results by then. All doctors involved will meet next week to go over the plan.
This is all the current information. After initial contact with Carolina Radiation tomorrow....hopefully I will know more.
Thanks to everyone for visits, food (wine), cards, phone calls, emails, and prayers. We will get through this just have to pull a little harder on the wagon!
Love to all!
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