Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Peanuts from the Sky

We have had an unusual occurrence at our house.  This past Sunday afternoon it was so nice outside, I opened the sliding glass doors at the back of our living room.  As I opened them, I heard birds.  Not just a few birds, thousands, and they were so loud, we couldn't hear the movie playing.  I walked outside to look and they were flying toward the peanut field next to our pasture.  There were so many, when they flew over, the sound of their wings and undulating motion was awesome.  I stood and watched and listened.

Click the link below to hear the birds.

But as they were flying over, peanuts were falling from the sky. Yes, peanuts were falling from the sky!

Here's Nick, our dog, checking out the peanuts that fell on our deck.  Guess he thought that was pretty sweet cause he loves peanuts.

Peanuts are all over the place, and here's more beneath the pine trees out front.

Our farm covers about 27 acres and right now it is littered with half eaten peanuts and shells.  The farm next to us harvested the peanuts last fall.  I am amazed at how many were left for these birds.

Guess when they found the peanut field, trees, and our pond, they thought life is good here.



annie456 said...

Everytime is rains-it rains peanuts from Heaven!!!don't you know each cloud contains-PEANUTS from Heaven-You'll find your fortune falling, all over the ground--SOOOOO pick them up quickly BECAUSE China is buying up the NUT market in the USA!!!! Your fortune has ariived!!!


Leave it you Annie to find the silver lining! Or the peanut butter lining! When do you leave on your trip?

annie456 said...

We leave on Tuesday. I hope I will see you tonight at POETS!