Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Went to a Party Last Night!

I went to a party last night.
It was in an old building, that in its heyday, was a car dealership.
John and I held each other close and danced,
With friends all around, toasting good cheer.

I went to a party last night.
It's Christmas and people are celebrating
But I haven't felt like celebrating.
Last night was different.

I went to a party last night.
Determined to leave all thoughts of cancer at home
To have fun, smile at everyone I saw
And enjoy every minute.

I went to a party last night.
Danced really slow to the Righteous Brothers singing, "Unchained Melody",
And watched the red and green lights sparkle and spin on the ceiling
Hoping the song would never end.

I went to a party last night.
Stayed out too late, ate too much, and smiled all the while.
My legs and body were ever so tired,
But what a grand time I had.

I went to a party last night.
It may be my last for a while.
So I didn't forget about 'things'.
But I went to a party last night!



annie456 said...

stionsoAND--the most important part of last night was that YOU WENT TO THE PARTY!!!! You are just amazing!!! SO glad you had a good time. There are many, many more good times and parties in your future!! Never forget that!!!!

Stephanie Hale said...

Sounds fabulous Pat. Loved seeing you guys on Saturday. xoxo

Lynne Brown said...

Pat ..... so glad you and John had a good time at your party....I really enjoy reading your never cease to amaze me!! Hope you, John and your girls have a very Merry Christmas!