Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today's the Day

Have an appointment with the lead surgeon today.  I anticipate that he will provide me with a tentative surgery date as I have met with all six doctors that will be involved.

Scared, worried, nervous, frightened....all words that describe what I am feeling.  I know I MUST have this surgery to remove the cancer, if not, "Game Over".  But, I know the ramifications of the surgery are going to be intense so I am hesitant about that too.  The Yin and Yang of life.

As I have said before, right now, I am feeling pretty good.  I could manage the rest of my life this way.  Though not without its problems and limitations, I can make it, I've adjusted.  I don't know what the surgery holds and will take away.  Too many ifs.

My only option is to continue on, one step at a time, pulling this wagon with all of you pushing from behind.  That's how I have made it this far.


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