Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Quick update for all of you.  Sometimes I tell what procedures were being done but don't really tell you how I am doing.

Actually, I think I am doing darn good.  Talked with my minister, Martin, yesterday, and when I told him about all the love I was receiving from John and friends, he paused and said, "That's God's love."

Sometimes I forget that.  God is love.  When we receive these gifts, they come from God.  I know, we all ask, why doesn't everybody have the same amount of love?  I don't know.  I wish I could make the world perfect and everyone have the love they need.  But I can't.  We just have to deal with what we have and that is where our faith and love comes into play.  God is LOVE.

I am still getting over my IV port being put in place.  For some reason, I thought it would be a cake walk and I would go about life like nothing had happened.  Didn't work that way.  Can hardly lift my left arm without pain and getting out of bed or rolling over got my attention last night and still very sensitive today.  Nothing like another source of pain making you forget about your original pain.  Reminds me of a poster that was on the wall in the first place I worked. 

 "When you are up to your butt in alligators, it's hard to remember your original purpose was to drain the swamp."

Enough said, maybe I will be better tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there! You do have lots of prayers and love going your way! Keep us posted!

Rosalyn said...

Yes Pat, you hang in there and with your strong faith and all the prayers coming your way, you are not alone.

annie456 said...

YES!! GOD IS LOVE!! AND HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!!! We all do too!!