Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Collateral Damage

Collateral damage is a phrase used euphemistically to refer to damage done inadvertently during the course of a strategic operation.  I think it was initially used to account for civilians killed and injured during raids on the enemy.  

My radiation and chemo treatments have been like a finely tuned military operation locked loaded, ready to destroy the cancer growing in my body.  And so far as I know, it has been successful.  I arrive at this conclusion from a personal inventory of reduced pain, less swelling, and able to walk and sleep better.  But with that comes the collateral damage.  As the cell destroying beams pulse daily in my abdomen, they pass not only through the cancerous growth, they also damage other organs located there.  You are all smart people so I won't go in to detail about all the organs in my abdomen but there is collateral damage.  Part of the initial guessing game; is it a virus? is it something I ate? is it the chemotherapy medication? did I try to do too much the day before? all of the above?  It really doesn't matter, when it continues, I can only think it is collateral damage.  I lost 5 lbs. yesterday...in one day....that is collateral damage.  Afraid to eat and afraid not to.

I had met with my radiation doctor early Monday morning.  She wants to get another scan to see if the tumor is shrinking (I think it has) and if it has, she will reduce the scope of the treatment area.  Less collateral damage.  We are working on getting that done now.  I will keep you updated.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the update Pat. Sending positive energy every day for all you are going through. Big, but gentle, hugs to you!
