Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well, well, well....where do I start?  Twelve women... an island, investments; oh yeah...it's all coming together now.  Twelve women who have laughed and cried together, formed drum circles at sunset, watched sunsets on Ocracoke Island (but not nearly enough), initiated the first Ocracoke Island St. Patrick's Day Parade, captained (or pirated depending on whose version you hear) the Swan Quarter Capt. Edward Hyde ferry (and honked the horn), crashed a private Jimmy Buffet party, took over Howard's Pub on occasion, and suffered broken hearts when we lost one of our members to cancer.

Tonight, we met for our regular P.O.E.T.S Investment Club meeting.  And no, I can't tell you what the letters stand for or I will have to kill you, so let's leave it at that.  My girls were kind enough to meet in Greenville so I wouldn't have to travel so far.  We sat together and held our hands up in unison, "POWER UP!"

What started years ago with 12 big, cheap, gaudy rings, purchased on a whim at a shop on the island, has become our mantra, POWER UP!  We all had our special ring and if any one of us yelled, "POWER UP", we all held up our rings to touch and it brought us together. We were one.

No matter who you are....you want to be loved and belong to something bigger than just you.  To feel the power of love from good friends.  And tonight I felt that power.  The power of the love.  As I have traveled this road with pain and uncertainty, it never ceases to amaze me where God's love will appear.  Tonight that love and support flashed through big, gaudy rings, lifted up for me....POWER UP.

There are too many wonderful stories about my girls to start tonight, but they will come.  My life has been shaped by the dear friendships in this group.   And yes, we have made money with our stocks....but our first objective was to have fun.  Check that one off the list cause we have had more fun than I can ever describe.

Tonight was special and I wish there was some way I could return the kindness and love I felt tonight.  The only thing I can do is....POWER UP! 

Here's to more sunsets together.......I love you girls!



Karah Pedersen said...

This is the best thing I have read in a long time. Lauren shared your blog with me and I am so very glad she did. I powered up just reading it! And I concur, good lasting friends are infinite sources for strength and vivacity. All three of which you have lots of! Sending loving, healing thoughts your way, every day.
XO, Karah Fazekas(your third and favorite daughter!)

annie456 said...

Well, You just said it so well, what would we do withour each other!! we do laugh-a lot- , share, talk, care!! That is so special. Thanks for your effort to come tonight and for your smile!! We love you!!

linda said...

What a special bonding among women. Thanks for sharing.