Weekend went by way too fast. My mother, sister, and her family, came and brought dinner Friday night. We had a splendid time and the food was great.
Saturday was nice not having to factor in time for the radiation treatment but I was very tired. Watched football games and tried to clean the house a little at the time. Most chores, if broken down into smaller pieces can be completed. My energy level is much lower and as hard as I try to ignore it, the ugly head rears and snorts to remind me and leaves no option but to get some rest.

Sunday we had lunch in Greenville with John's sister, Barbara and our niece Stephanie and her sweet family from Norfolk, Va. Her girls, Sydney and Avery, are at a wonderful age and we all enjoyed their stories and energy.
More golf, more football, a little racing and before you know it, the weekend was over. I have tried to maintain a regular schedule but it is hard to do. When I get tired I try to keep going but I don't know if that is good or bad. I know my body is being bombarded by bad stuff and I must do everything I can to allow it to heal but on the other hand, I don't want to spend my life in bed resting. What should I do?
Anyway, my life has been put on hold. Making any plans must be prefaced by "don't know how I will feel." So far, I have limped along okay. I know as I enter my third week of radiation and poison pills, things are happening. I can only pray that they are good things and every day we are one day closer to getting better!
Thanks for the update and, YES, I , too, enjoy your stories!! As I have said before, you have a gift for words and they make us all feel a bit closer to you during this time. Thanks for your effort. Hope to see you this week!
Does not sound mundane to me. Food sound great and I am glad you could enjoy it.
MMM, dad's steak, yum. I'm looking forward to some this weekend!
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